In today’s two-dimensional climate of virtual desk learning, digital interaction, and face time interviews, it is even more crucial that the applicant’s written representation of themselves is second-to-none. The applicant can no longer depend on that one-page resume and thirty-second first impression to land a career, particularly in policing.
There are several steps to any police service application process. It is vital that the applicant is fully prepared prior to commencing this process. The applicant must present themselves in their best light, be physically fit, interview-ready and prepared for required testing.
Putting together one’s history can be a painstaking and a time-consuming process. The applicant must supply written documentation about themselves from the age of sixteen to the present day. This process requires a comprehensive, accurate, and detailed curriculum vitae of your education, work experience, volunteerism, personal achievements, aspirations, and accompanied with supporting documents. We, at Police Coach, would like to assist you in this process by preparing your curriculum vitae for you and presenting you in a position of documentary readiness prior to the onset of your application. The Applicant will receive a bound, hard copy Curriculum Vitae along with a flash drive of all relevant files to maintain throughout your career.
In the General Investigation module, the applicant will be coached in the following:
The types and categories of law.
It introduces the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The court process, and the legislative process.
The core scene protection, arrest process, release process, and investigative interviewing.
The professional communication, conflict prevention, and de-escalation strategies.
Use of force, defensive tactics, and equipment.
Community policing, ethics, diversity, and professional practice.
Community problem-solving within a legislative process
Hate crimes, elder abuse, and persons in crisis (mental illness), along with the facts and issues in the most common offenses.
Practice general investigation questions and answers.
General Investigations workshops.
In the Federal Statute module, the applicant will be coached in the following:
How to source and interpret the Criminal Code of Canada book.
Will learn the most common criminal offences which will include recognizing the offence section, the facts and issues, the punishment section, and related sections.
Tabbing and highlighting the Criminal Code of Canada book for future open book exams.
The federal judicial process, rules of evidence, legal documentation, and courtroom ethic.
Role of the police (enforcement, intervention, and referrals)
The Controlled Drug and Substances Act Canada Evidence Act, Charter Rights and Freedoms, and Youth Criminal Justice Act.
Criminal Code quick reference list.
Practice Federal Statute questions and answers.
Federal Statute workshops.
In the Provincial Statute Module, the applicants will be coached in the following:
Customized Provincial Statute Manual
How to source and interpret the Provincial Offences Act.
Will be coached in the most common provincial acts: The Provincial Offence Act (General), Residential Tenancies Act, Liquor licence Act, Trespass to Property Act, Mental Health Act, Child Youth and Family Services Act, Family Law Act, Child Law Reform Act, Youth Criminal Justice Act,
Police officer authorities, common offences, arrestable and non-arrestable offences, facts and issues of offences, provincial regulations, and limitations.
The provincial court process, most common provincial forms. interpretation and application of Provincial Statutes,
The applicant will become familiar with the involvement of non-police agencies. applied in Law Enforcement options: referrals, charge, or extrajudicial process.
Provincial Court process: most common forms, prosecutions, and procedures.
Practice Provincial Statute questions and answers.
Provincial Statute workshops.
In the Highway Traffic Act Module, the applicant will be coached in the following:
Customized Highway Traffic Act Manual
Vehicles and highways five main statutes: Highway Traffic Act, the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act, the Off-Road Act, Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, and Safe Streets Act.
How to source and interpret the Highway Traffic Act and the regulations
The most common offences in Highway Traffic Act
Privileges and responsibilities for all road users.
Role of the police (enforcement, intervention, and referrals)
Arrest process, release process, and investigative interviewing.
The traffic court process, provincial forms.
Motor Vehicle Collisions Investigations: core scene investigation, motor vehicle collision report, common offences, provincial charge forms, court process.
Impaired driving offences: investigation, arrest, criminal code common charges, and releases.
Tabbing and highlighting the Highway Traffic Act book for future open book exams.
Highway Traffic Act quick reference list
Practice Highway Traffic Act questions and answers.
Highway Traffic Act workshops.
Academic Requirements
See Canadian Applicants Requirements
See International Applicants Requirements
See International Police Applicant requirements.
See Canadian (outside of Ontario) Police Applicant requirements.
Criminal Code Book (current)
Ontario Highway Traffic Act Book (current)
Zoom Account
Pen, Notebook, Tabs, Highlighter
Required Books
Course Highlights
Computer and Internet Access
Zoom Application Installed
The coach will send materials to the applicants prior to the coach commencing.
The applicant will receive certificates and transcripts for each module upon completion.