“Educational Readiness for Policing”

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Let’s Get Started!

A career in Law enforcement requires an individual who believes all people are equal before and under the law.  A person who has a strong commitment to the community, prioritize the safety of citizens, and the preservation of peace.  It also requires that the individual has knowledge and understanding of Canadian law and the commitment, skills, and abilities to perform his/her duties in a lawful and ethical manner. It is a very competitive process applying for a policing career. Therefore, the applicant must be prepared to present their very best self and we here at Police Coach are here to assist in this coaching process.

A competitive applicant is one who is highly motivated and recognizes while a career in law enforcement is enjoyable, beneficial, and honorable; it is what YOU have to offer your community and your service that is truly primary.


Get in touch

We at Police Coach recognize that there are many competencies that a police applicant must possess; educational readiness is also an absolute.


Police Coach Process

Click below to view our Police Coach Process.

Virtual Desk Coaching


Through our Police Coach Process you will be more prepared, more confident and more competitive prior to your police application.